New indexing
The International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is indexed by Google Scholar.
Review Policy
The journal follows the policy of least double-blind peer review. The article is sent to at least two referees (experts in the relevant field) for review in the light of the journal's guidelines and the characteristics of a quality research article. For articles requiring changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure the quality of the revised article is acceptable.
Review and Publication Process
The journal follows a systematic review and publication policy as stated below.
1. The submitted article is reviewed within 48 hours at the most after it is received.
2. The article/articles are sent to at least two referees. The referees are given a maximum of two weeks for the review process.
3. Review reports are collected from the referees and the managing editor sends the review reports to the authors containing all the terms and conditions of the publication.
4. Sends review reports to the author/correspondence author, including a formal request to amend the manuscript in line with the referees' suggestions. The executive author will send the modified article to the same referees of the article in question to justify the changes. If the article is returned by the referees again, the article is said to have been rejected at the end. The journal will not continue with the article in question.
5. The accepted article is processed for publication after successful completion of the terms and conditions of the journal.
6. The Proofreading process starts. The managing editor will send the processed article (MS Word) to the author/subject author for proofreading.
7. The article is published online. The managing editor will inform the author/correspondence author about the online publication with the required download link.
The International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is indexed by Google Scholar.
This special issue details the recent developments in carbon nanofibers, nanotubes, and their derivatives, graphene, and carbon-based nanocomposites, which have extraordinary properties.
For this Special Issue on carbonaceous materials in electrochemistry and in all multidisciplinary applications, we invite submission of original research and review papers addressing issues in 2025.
The journal is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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