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The International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is indexed by Google Scholar.
International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is an open-access journal with at least double peer-reviewed original research articles and review articles in the fields of electrochemistry. IntBECM became operational in October 2024 and has an international vision scope to print four times a year starting in 2024. This journal aims to be a highly respected and reliable source of the latest electrochemistry trends and promote academic exchange worldwide.
Aims & Scope
International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is an open-access journal with at least double peer-reviewed original research articles and review articles in the fields of electrochemistry. IntBECM was founded in October 2024 and has an international vision to print twice a year, in June and December starting in 2024. This journal aims to be a highly respected and reliable source of the latest electrochemistry trends and promote academic exchange worldwide.
His current interests include all research topics involving electrochemical methods. It also includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
Publisher/Privilege Owner
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersin DEMIR
Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University
The International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is indexed by Google Scholar.
This special issue details the recent developments in carbon nanofibers, nanotubes, and their derivatives, graphene, and carbon-based nanocomposites, which have extraordinary properties.
For this Special Issue on carbonaceous materials in electrochemistry and in all multidisciplinary applications, we invite submission of original research and review papers addressing issues in 2025.
The journal is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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