International Bulletin of Electrochemical Methodology: Announcements
<p>International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is an open-access journal with at least double peer-reviewed original research articles and review articles in the fields of electrochemistry. IntBECM became operational in October 2024 and has an international vision scope to print twice a year starting from 2024. This journal aims to be a highly respected and reliable source of the latest electrochemistry trends and promote academic exchange worldwide.</p> <p><strong>Publisher/Privilege Owner</strong><br />Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersin DEMIR<br />Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University</p>en-USNew indexing
<p>The International Bulletin of Electrochemistry Methodology (IntBECM) (e-ISSN: 3062-1496) is indexed by Google Scholar.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Google Scholar" /></p>International Bulletin of Electrochemical Methodology2025-01-05Trends of Carbon Metarials in Electrochemistry
<p>This special issue aims to detail the recent developments in carbon, carbon nanofibers, nanotubes and their derivatives, graphene and carbon-based nanocomposites, which have extraordinary properties.</p> <p> </p> <p>For this Special Issue on carbonaceous materials in electrochemistry and in all multidisciplinary applications, we invite submission of original research and review papers addressing issues.</p>International Bulletin of Electrochemical Methodology2022-10-14